Ergonomics Training at Cogent Hire

We where employed to deliver Ergonomics Training and the YOLO Experience at Cogent Hire to support the physical health of their staff.

Brief introduction to Cogent Hire

Cogent Hire is an ethical credit hire company that is changing the post accident vehicle replacement industry for the better with its transparent and collaborative approach to doing business, that places the policyholder first. Helping to get drivers back on the road as quickly as possible.

Since the company launched in 2020 it has grown quickly, employing 40 staff at its head office in Chorley.

Employee wellbeing is a priority for their business and in the spirit of living their values they engage regularly with their team to understand how best to support them.

Why did you employ YOLO Wellbeing?

Being a great place to work is at the core of Cogent Hire’s values, they recognise that to get the best from their people, they need to feel happy, healthy, and focused.

Each month everyone at Cogent Hire completes a wellbeing survey to assess their work, physical, and mental wellbeing.  They use this information to identify the key wellbeing indicators (KWI’s) for the business which then informs their wellbeing action plan.

Understanding the KWI’s supports their culture of transparency and honesty and allows Cogent Hire to support their team in the areas they feel they need it most.

YOLO Wellbeing were referred to Cogent Hire by the team at Fresh Perspective. After meeting with the YOLO Wellbeing team, they felt that their values closely aligned. They offer a unique and engaging approach to the delivery of their services which fits well with the wellbeing needs of their people.

What did you want to achieve by working with YOLO Wellbeing?

The results from the wellbeing survey highlighted that staff were experiencing physical health, and particularly musculoskeletal problems. They felt that they would benefit from the kind of support that YOLO Wellbeing is able to provide.

Using the results as a base from which to measure, Cogent Hire Well Being Lead, Claire, wanted to help improve immediate musculoskeletal health as well as provide the team with the tools to better manage their ongoing physical health.

YOLO Wellbeing was employed to deliver the YOLO Experience which included massage and meditation services for any team member who wanted to receive treatment, and ergonomic workshops which were delivered to everyone as part of their HSE duty of care and DSE Assessments.

Cogent Hire also aim to use local companies wherever possible; both to support local business and to ensure that environmentally they are reducing carbon emissions through their supplier choices. They were delighted to find YOLO Wellbeing on their doorstep.

How were the services received?

The feedback for the YOLO Experience and the Ergonomic training workshops was incredibly positive.

They had a full day of team members choosing to take part in the YOLO Experience and everyone  gave extremely positive reports including that afterwards they felt ‘relaxed’, ‘valued’, and ‘clear-headed’. They also reported that movement was freer, and they enjoyed the sessions.

The Ergonomic Workshops were delivered in multiple small groups with up to ten people. They were an interactive mix of education, conversation, and interaction, with everyone taking part in a relaxation and mobilisation class at the end of the session.

Initial attitudes towards these sessions from some staff were less enthusiastic, which Claire had expected and was the reason why the sessions were mandatory. She was confident that YOLO Wellbeing would deliver, and this was proven in the post attendance feedback from everyone which included comments such as ‘it was the best wellbeing session I had ever attended.’

Cogent Hire were keen to maximise the impact of their investment and so to increase post session value staff were encouraged to buddy up to create accountability for one small change each member of staff pledged to make. YOLO Wellbeing supported with the provision of digital communications with key prompts, for the team to use as screen savers and remind them of better ways to sit and work at their desks.

Client Testimonial (+2 months after the workshops)

“We don’t see using YOLO as a one-off experience but rather a collaboration that we will build into a timetable of wellbeing events through the year and in response to any physical KWI that arise from our monthly survey.

 “We know that Cheryle and her team will work with us to cater a service that fits our team needs and deliver in every way possible every time. We cannot recommend the YOLO Experience enough and are astounded not only at the amazing way in which they have created such a positive and relaxing environment in their van but how they are able to achieve so much in such a short time spent with each team member.

 “Even our MD who is notorious for making sure everyone else manages their well being and forgetting her own has changed the way in which she sits at her desk and works which is quite a win!

 “YOLO Wellbeing are trust worthy, skilled and knowledgeable and we would recommend them to any business looking to address not just short term but longer term health needs of their people in a way that reduces absence and invests in their wellbeing.”

 Claire Charnley, Wellbeing Lead Cogent Hire


ergonomic training at cogent hire

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