Case Study: Evergreen Early Years Nursery

YOLO Wellbeing was asked by Preston-based children’s nursery, Evergreen Early Years, to introduce a wellbeing programme for a hardworking team of staff.

Evergreen Early Years is an independent all year round nursery, located at Queens Drive Primary School in Fulwood, Preston.

Owner Lisa Gregoire-Parker prioritises the wellbeing of her staff. She ensures they have a manageable workload and arranges social gatherings, which the team really enjoy.

Lisa wanted to take this a step further by introducing staff to a wellbeing programme that was personable and unique. YOLO Wellbeing ticked those boxes.


  1. The employer wanted to recognise the team’s long working hours supporting children as they learn and grow. They take great care of the children’s needs and their employer wanted to take care of the team’s needs too.
  2. The employer wanted to demonstrate to her staff that she cares about their welfare, by providing a service that was personalised and unique.
  3. The employer wanted to ensure that the team’s wellbeing needs were met.
  4. The employer wanted the team to be refreshed and remain motivated.

How did YOLO Wellbeing meet the objectives?

The staff were introduced to YOLO Wellbeing’s unique experience that offers each individual 15 minutes of ‘me-time’, away from the workplace.

They were shown the  mobile unit in which the YOLO Wellbeing experience is delivered. The space has been customised to offer a light, temperature and sound-controlled space that allows for quick relaxation.

The massage treatment focused on each individual’s needs. Prior to the booking date, staff completed a secure, online medical form to provide any ‘need to know’ information ahead of the treatment. On the day, any further needs were discussed and incorporated into the treatment. For example, one member of staff was wearing a hijab scarf, so rather than massaging the head, the hands were massaged instead. Another member of staff was suffering from an old whiplash injury, so more time was spent on the neck and shoulders to help alleviate stiffness and aches in and around this area.

The group were given a selection of visual meditation videos to choose from, further personalising their experience.

Benefits to the client:

The staff really enjoyed their experience, reporting that they felt more relaxed when returning to work.

This benefited the client in the following ways:

  • Appreciative workforce that felt valued by their employer
  • Relaxing and revitalising experience for hardworking staff who felt refreshed for work
  • “Feel good” factor for the employer, knowing that they had invested in the wellbeing of their staff
  • Positive group experience that had a unique team-building impact
  • Engaged, appreciated and loyal workforce that will look forward to similar future experiences

Testimonial from the client:

“YOLO Wellbeing absolutely delivered what I expected for my staff and my business. Feedback from the team has been excellent. They all really enjoyed it and they are looking forward to their next YOLO experience.”

Lisa Gregoire-Parker, Owner

Get in touch

If you believe your workforce and your business, or your employer’s business, would benefit from a similar experience, please contact or call 01772 283139/ 07912536658.

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