Emily Sealy

Fitness Expert and Personal Trainer

Profile photo of Emily Sealy

What do you like most about your job?

I absolutely love bringing fitness and strength into people’s lives. Supporting them to accomplish goals ranging from body composition, smashing a race personal best or just feeling better about themselves.

What is most rewarding about being part of Team YOLO?

I enjoy the team ethos and feel very proud to be part of such a successful business that has helped so many people. 

What have been the greatest highs so far?

It is great to see the YOLO team growing and Cheryle’s vision coming alive. I see some great clients and love working on-site with the team at Fresh Perspective, but I especially enjoyed delivering the Sports Day event for Progress Housing recently. 

How is it different to working in your own business?

I plan differently because each session is focused to an audience with a wide range of abilities, this is unlike my day to day work. I want to ensure I am on brand and delivering the highest level of quality for YOLO. 

How have you found the training and delivery?

I took a lot from our recent CPD training day which covered the Theory and practical application to the Vagus Nerve. I enjoyed being part of the team too.

How does working with YOLO enhance your own business offerings?

The diversity of the work I do for YOLO has enhanced my skill set and pushed me out of my comfort zone, giving me more confidence to try new things. 

Quick fire questions...

Yoga or Hiit
Walk or run
Out dancing or Cosy night in
Hot bath or Hot stone
Coffee or wine
Team sport or Solo sport