Alison Shawish

YOLO Wellbeing Strategic Health Advisor/ Sports Rehabilitator / Tutor

What do you like most about your job?

Impacting peoples’ lives in a positive way. Working with clients and listening to them, and then tapping into a toolbox of skills and applications to treat each individual’s needs.

There is nothing more satisfying than when a client who has perhaps been struggling with traditional forms of medicine, finds relief from treatment we have worked on together.

What is most rewarding about being part of Team YOLO?

The atmosphere amongst the team, and the culture within the business is very positive and forward thinking.

What have been the greatest highs so far?

The delivery of the first CPD training session and receiving positive comments and feedback from the team.

How is it different to working in your own business?

In my clinic I treat individuals who are looking to relieve pain. We work closely together to understand the causes, I then choose which treatments to use to provide relief.

The YOLO Experience provides a holistic approach to relieving physical and mental stress. YOLO Wellbeing are able to reach an audience who may not otherwise have had time; or perceived the treatment would benefit them. It’s quite powerful the impact it can have and how it changes peoples’ perceptions.

How have you found the training and delivery?

It is great how focused the company is on training. Co-writing the Diploma in YOLO Experience Therapy has been incredible. It provides a thorough introduction to the techniques and knowledge required to deliver the YOLO Experience to clients.

The regular CDP training keeps the team up to date with new research and developments and keeps skills fresh as we deliver training that is part theory, part practical. The team have been really responsive and open to it.

How does working with YOLO enhance your own business offerings?

It keeps me on my toes, I am invested in finding and interpreting new data and staying ahead of developments to ensure our CPD Training remains fresh and the best it can be. I am able to use what I learn in my own practice.

It also keeps me connected with the rest of the team and the industry attending events; and reaching an audience I wouldn’t otherwise have engaged with. It pushes me on.

Quick fire questions...

Yoga or Hiit
Walk or run
Out dancing or Cosy night in
Hot bath or Hot stone
Coffee or wine
Team sport or Solo sport