What is the Value of Workplace Wellbeing Workshops?

The best workplace wellbeing workshops educate, encourage, and support your employees to take better care of their health and wellbeing. And to get the best value, and a return on investment corporate wellbeing workshops must be informative and interactiveproviding employees with tools to take away and experiment with.

At YOLO Wellbeing we offer a variety of corporate wellbeing workshops, which are delivered live (either in person or online) by our team of accredited and professional wellbeing experts.

Informed using that latest research we cover a range of topics including physical and mental health, exercise, nutrition, sleep, managing stress, menopause, men’s health, retirement, grief, suicide, and money.

Each corporate wellbeing workshop we deliver is designed to engage your employees with information that is easy to digest and relevant to them. We facilitate inclusive discussion in a style that is informal but professional, creating a safe environment that encourages conversation and engagement.
When relevant we will support you to meet your employer responsibility to meet health and safety legislation, providing reports and risk assessments.
Plus we can provide additional support in the form of communication tool kits, engagement surveys, evaluation reports, employee feedback forms. We can raise awareness by communicating the availability of other wellbeing activity within the business.

Most popular Workplace Wellbeing Workshops

YOLO Remote is a series of wellbeing workshops targeting employees physical and mental health whilst working from home. Covering home office set-up, we advise on small adjustments for long term physical health gains; Our ‘Good Home Working Health Charter’ to outline and discuss best practices for staying mentally well and more focused whilst home working.

Managing Stress at Work workshop can be delivered in person or online; we look at how to identify personal and peer stress in the work environment and approaches and tools to address, manage and become more resilient to stress. Expect lots of discussion, some challenging conversation, and practical tools to help deal with stress in the workplace.

New Workshop –Retire with Wellbeing; recently added to our portfolio of corporate wellbeing workshops Retire with Wellbeing addresses the key challenges employees face in retirement such as grief, loneliness, and boredom. We discuss mindset, adjustment and how to embrace this new chapter in life. These wellbeing workshops are delivered with enthusiasm, humour and empathy for the attendees, with the aim of invigorating your older employees with energy and commitment instead of the common and often, inevitable wind down.

If you would like to discuss how we might be able to help you contact us at hello@yolowellbeing.co.uk or call us 01772 283139.


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