YOLO Wellbeing Wins Trio of New Clients

Northwest business, YOLO Wellbeing wins a trio of new clients with Ribble Cycles, Sales Geek and Education Mutual, as they prepare to get their workplace massage and meditation business back on the road, when COVID lockdown restrictions start to lift in April.

The health and wellbeing business has been unable to provide their unique corporate massage services for the majority of the last twelve months, due to the lock down restrictions. But as the vaccine provides some optimism for the future, these forward-thinking employers are already putting plans in place to manage the ongoing health and wellbeing of their employees.

Sales Geek and Ribble Cycles have signed up to the YOLO Wellbeing Reward Plan which will provide regular visits to the office; for their teams to enjoy the relaxing YOLO experience which helps to reduce stress in the workplace.

Managing Director, Richard Few comments, “At Sales Geek the happiness and welfare of our team is paramount. YOLO Wellbeing offers us a flexible and accessible solution to offer to our team to help them manage their own stress
and know that we are invested in their health. After a successful trial in late  2020 we are delighted to have Cheryle on board for the year ahead.”

Operations Manager at Ribble Cycles, Austin Gray, comments “It’s a very  exciting time to be working in the cycling industry and great to see such a demand in our product and expansion of our team. Naturally with this does come certain challenges especially under current circumstances. The culture is very positive and investing in our staff wellbeing is important, and never been so paramount.

The YOLO Wellbeing experience is ideal because it holistically targets both physical and mental stress and with many of our staff working on the shop floor in manual roles it has broader company wide appeal. Investing in the YOLO Rewards Plans ensures that our team know we are committed to looking after their ongoing health and all-round wellbeing.”

Education Mutual are one of the largest providers of staff absence protection for schools in the UK. Recommended by the Department for Education their protection goes beyond covering absence. They also invest in member health and wellbeing.

Operations Director, Holly Harding comments,” We really liked the unique YOLO Wellbeing concept. The fact that they can take the YOLO space to the premises of each of our member schools and deliver health and wellbeing
benefits, makes it a unique and personalised service that I think staff will really benefit from. We’ve booked in the first visit to a school in the North East but expect many more to follow throughout April and May.”

YOLO Wellbeing Founder Cheryle Britton comments, “We’re really looking forward to working with our new clients in 2021, and I’m optimistic that we will get the YOLO experience back on the road in quarter two. We
have robust COVID measures in place, it is hugely important to us that our customers and their people can feel confident and safe with our service.” For more information please all us on 01772 283 139 or email us, we’d love to hear from you.

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