Reportedly the most depressing day of the year, Monday the 16th January, we have decided to cancel Blue Monday and bring you ‘Happy Monday’ instead.
We have teamed up with Shout Connect to deliver a schedule of the wellbeing activities we regularly provide to our clients and they are available in person and online.
So if you and your employees, colleagues, friends or family would like to fire up your mojo and get you feeling positive, happy and motivated for 2023 come and join us.
All the wellbeing activities will be delivered on site at Shout Connect’s offices in Preston, Lancashire, PR2 2YF (in-person places are limited) and online.
Please use the correct booking links below to secure your places and receive the joining links:
08:45 – 09:30 YOLO FIT (Fun Interval Training)

Start your day with YOLO FIT, an exercise class that puts ‘Fun’ into interval training.
Delivered by Emily Sealey, YOLO Wellbeing’s resident PT and Movement Expert, these classes are designed to engage all levels of fitness in fun exercises that will leave you feeling invigorated, energised and feeling great.
Book your place on the YOLO FUN INTERVAL TRAINING class:
In Person click
On-line click
10:30 11:30 YOLO Food to Make You Happy

YOLO Wellbeing welcomes Professional Nutritionist and Health Coach, Anna Reddy to the team to deliver her session ‘Food to Make You Happy’.
In this interactive class, that involves real food, Anna discusses how food impacts your mood and will demonstrate how small changes and some clever, easy, hacks will have you adopting food choices that will make you feel more energised and happier.
Book your place on the YOLO FOOD TO MAKE ME HAPPY workshop:
In Person click
On-line click

Our YOLO Relaxation & Mobilisation class combines a range of exercise disciplines integrated with guided breathing to intensify the release of tension in the muscles and mind.
These classes are perfect for bringing awareness to your posture and will provide take-away exercises to help manage aches and pains, and stress.
Suitable for all abilities; no specialist clothing or equipment is required.
Book your place on the YOLO RELAXATION & MOBILISATION class:
In Person click
On-line click

Book your place in the YOLO Calm Space and be treated to 15mins of pure relaxation with our award winning head, neck ad shoulder massage. After your YOLO Experience expect to feel happier, relaxed and energised.
YOLO Experience booking link
Username: YOLO Experience
Password: Happy_Monday1601
If you have any questions or would like further information please contact us at or call 01772 283139